Our beautiful daughter Taylor (pic attached w/Ed Sheeran) was diagnosed with a rare form of colon cancer when she was only 14.
She had many rounds of chemo, lots of surgeries, radiation, and literally hundreds of nights spent in the hospital.
She fought like a champion for five years, through two recurrences, and all the pain and hassle that you can imagine.
However, the whole time she lived by her motto: “Choose Joy!”
She taught us that when bad things happen to you, you must feel your feelings, which she always did, but then you have a choice...
You could choose to hit something. That would be a choice.
You could choose to lock yourself in a dark room and sulk. Another choice.
Or you could invite your sorority sisters over to the hospital room, order sushi, and work on a funny jigsaw puzzle. Another choice.
We would get incredibly bad news sometimes, and Taylor would cry and feel terrible, but then we would watch in amazement as she simply chose joy.
She would do things that would bring her (and all of us) happiness. So we would go from hearing something like ‘...the cancer has spread from your colon into your breasts...’ to later that evening when the girls were working on the puzzle, laughing and loving each other’s company. I would ask myself ‘...How did this happen??? How did we get from that terrible news to this joyous moment?’
It was Taylor. She Chose Joy.
Design: Standard 3' Block Letters